3 JOYS*My son
*My off week...
*Movie night!!
3 FEARS*Spiders (because the only place I ever see them is on my couch.and thats just creepy!)
*Losing someone I love
*Being fired from my job lol
4 OBSESSIONS*Attempting to fill my gas tank to an even number (and really, I NEVER can haha)
*Chocolate Cinnamon Bears
*Never over-sleeping. I set 3 alarms... always getting up to the last one, which means "EMERGENCY you should leaving the house by NOW...."
*Checking my cell phone for missed calls or texts.. um constantly... hahaha. I need to knock it off!!
3 SURPRISING FACTS *I wont sing in front of anyone... and I mean ANYONE.
*I still worry about disapointing my parents!
*I carry all my groceries in at once... this can get tricky haha.
*Keeping my apartment clean
*Spending time with friends...
*Hats on lazy days!
*Not bad mouthing my X in front of my son!
*Plants..I have 10 in my small ass apartment lol :)
4 WORDS OR PHRASES I OFTEN WILL SAY*"Move it or lose it!" (to zach haha)
*"I love You"
*"Wait.. for real?"
*"I was being sarcastic..."
8 THINGS TO DO BEFORE I DIE*Write a memoir
*Have more kids!!
*Visit Venice Italy
*Go back to school....
*Learn how to paint 1/2 as good as my mommy
*Start my own business!
*Win some kind of contest!!
*Grow my hair to the top of my butt & have it be healthy!!!
8 THINGS I HAVE LEARNED*The grass isn't always greener!
*Most people deserve a second chance
*Talking is therepuetic.
*Listening to others is the most important tool a person can possess!
*It's okay to cry!
*Children are WAY smarter than we give them credit for!
*Family & friends are my anchor
*Love can get you through anything!!!
I TAG EVERYONE ON MY BLOG (except Linds, cuz It came from her) lol... I DONT HAVE THAT MANY PEOPLE THAT READ THIS!