Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Mommy Im stuck!"

So my son is a total drama king when its time for bed and he will do anything to get out of going... but once he is in bed he is good, and goes right to sleep. Last night I told him to go to the bathroom and then tell me when he was done and I would help him put his Pj's on. A few minutes later he was calling me from the bathroom "mom help me!!" I ignored him. "mommmmmmm helppppp meeeee... im stuck mommy. help im stuck!!" hahaha. So I went in the bathroom to find that he really was stuck... IN THE TOILET! I was laughing so hard, I had to take some pics. These are the only good ones that you can see the torment in his face! oh my... gotta love parenting! :)

1 comment:

LiNdS said...

oh man I wish I could have been there! that is hillarious! was he just playing around or what was he doing? LOL Crazy kid!
Miss you!