Thursday, December 22, 2011

My car History.

This is my car history if I were a car and not a person. Or multiple cars. Here is my Kelley Blue Book Story.
My dad let me drive his Nova. 1988! at 16. It was seriously embarrasing when I was 16!! I couldn't back out of the garage, or anywhere really. I ended up lodging the car into the side of it. My dad was not happy with me. Later this same week I backed the car into a High curb at the gas station. Again, not happy.
I rolled into someone from a dead stop later this year in rush hour. He pulled over, I didn't. Turns out it was an undercover cop who just ran the plates and called my parents. Shit. They didn't tell me about this. They waited for me to inform them of it. Um, Yea right!! I never told them. Years later they said they knew about it. haha.
I ended up getting my first car my senior year. My second day driving it to school I rear ended a lady. Luckily she was in a boat car, that probably could have fit a coffin in it. She said it was fine and to just go to school. I went to the carwash to wash off the scratches that would come off at lunch. my window was open a crack, and i got sprayed with water. Water everywhere inside my car. Ugh. My dad asks "What happened to the bumper?" My reply "WHAT! What's wrong with the bumper?" He had a mechanic friend come and look at it, who informed him that the damage can only happen from the driver hitting someone. Shit. Waiting at the light for a job interview, a guy starts backing up his RV that was too far in the intersection. I honked but he didn't hear me. He hit me, bending my hood. I didn't get the job, seeing as how I was 40min late to the interview. Right after it gets out of the shop, a girl from HS whom I didn't know..But I knew her sister. Rear ended me!!!!! My dad was so irritated with me and my issues with cars. LOL!!!!
Im texting my X husband, at the time fiance'...while driving. SAME CAR. This car had Industrial strength!!!
"That is weird my name is gonna be Brooke Gou.." :/ I got a new car at this time. The car I got was a Lancer, and under a contract of NO PAYMENTS for a year. Well pretty sure right after I got it I got changed lanes into. Then a few months after this I plowed into a car that pulled out in front of me from a gas station Going 40mph. (this wasn't my fault and I had witness'...but it didn't matter since I hit the car from the back, normally I like this sort of thing, if you get what im sazzin ;) But this time I didn't love it. Anyway it was awful because the car was totaled before we made even ONE payment on it!!!!!!!! My X husband and I had to pay $3,000 to help bridge the gap I had created. :(
I got a Galant now, which I was upside down on something fierce because they had to combine the delinquent balance of the other car onto the top of this car.
>>>>>>>>>>Im getting divorced<<<<<<<<<<<<< Moving out of my old X's house and packed all my stuff I would need for a few months and some things for Zach. I turn left into someone. Shit! It was on Zach's FIRST BIRTHDAY! He had his first crash for his Bday. SAD!!! Anyway, This was a blessing in disguise because being single I couldn't afford this $370 car payment each month, and I had gap insurance on the car so all the upside down money I owed was covered :))
I got a Dodge Neon. For some reason I loved it at first? But 3 weeks after getting it I went to VEGAS and went on a 3 day drinking/doing god knows what binge with no sleeping then left to come home at 9pm. ALONE. I worked at 6am the following day. I made it all the way to AMERICAN FORK before deciding to fall asleep and take my car through a chain link fence. Really Brooke? You couldn't stay awake for 10 more minutes???? UGH!!! I had been living with my parents for 5 months to save money and was planning on moving in ONE month. The new car was totaled :( I bought it back and it had a rebuilt title. I think I got kind of lucky in all of this because I happen to somehow steer the car on a downhill half sleepen stupor in between the two poles on the chain link. So it just went under the fence. Had I hit a pole it would have been alot worse. I called my Dad at 4am to come get me in American Fork and I probably have only seen him this mad at me ONE other time, when I changed my grade on my report card from a D- to a C-. I am pretty sure he said every word in the sensored dictionary to me at this time. ha ha! So I buy the car back and have it fixed DRAINING MY SAVINGS!!!!! UGH!!!! I moved out anyway with $50 in my account at the end of the month. I had to pay $4,200 estimating to fix this car, and thats with the insurance paying. I think this is when I started to hate the Neon.
2 months later (Now I am working graves at the time) I was driving to Lehi to pick up Z, and hit someone again. WTF!!!!! The guy was not nice about it. (Shit I barely tapped was another roll into) I begged him not to call the cops and gave my word I would pay for any damage out of pocket, because I didn't want my INSURANCE to know. LOL Obviously!!!!! The total came up to be $428.00. I told the guy I didn't have money I was a single mom and it was just a scratch. Please. NO! I paid him back ALL OF IT!!! over 3 months. I went to his work and gave him the money religiously. I am pretty sure looking back on this, that I could have gotten away with NOT paying him. He couldn't have proven anything seeing as how no cops were called when it happened.
>>>>>>>>>I now go 4 years without an accident or speeding ticket<<<<<<<<<<<<<
I am late for my temp to hire job at the first of this year and I plowed a lady in a fit of road rage/frustration/stress. She was nice and didn't call the cops on me, and I called and reported it to my insurance. I got a speeding ticket later this day going to pick up my check from the insurance company. LOL!! I was jonesin for a policeman encounter.
I finally got a new car!!!!!!! Its a Mazda 3! I happen to like it. (KINDOF) This week the computer goes out on it. REALLY? Right before Xmas. $1,600 to fix it :( If I had 3 wishes one would be to have all the money I have paid into a car that could have been avoided transfered into my bank account. WTF!! I realize this happens. But why is all of this constantly happening to ME?! Ugh!!! It use to be an inside Joke with my friends I would say "Omg, Guess what?" He would say "You got in a car accident!" or "You got pulled over and didnt get a ticket!" Hahahahaha.
Now it is Sheerly Pure Amazing that my car insurance isn't through the roof. But it isnt! Nothing is even on my insurance except for this last wreck!!!! Now my history is repeating itself because I am driving around in my Dad's 1988 Nova right now! He told me "IF YOU WRECK THIS CAR, I WILL DISOWN YOU AS A KID!!!" It was probably warranted considering my History!!!!! :)

Aint she a Bute?! ;)
* Disclaimer * Wrecking 5 cars is the best and least effeceint way to build your credit. It looks like I have paid off 5 vehicles in my history. LOL!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Months of 2011!

A year in the life of me. In Sarcastic Short stories & Pictures:
JANUARY- Zach slices his finger, getting his first set of stitches ever. Poor guy! He handled it like a champ and told the Dr. "People who like the Utes are still good doctors...." ha ha ha!!! *Disclaimer I like the UTES. Zach likes BYU.
(here he is being forced to wear a Utes hat.......LOL)

FEBRUARY- Wow that was fun being forced to quit the job I just had for the past 4 1/2 years. 6 months before getting my pension. I am overjoyed. Happy Valentines Day!
We got ENGAGED!!!!

MARCH- Got a job Super quick but layed off super quick. A drunken fight with my Fiance' at my sisters birthday party. LOL Year prior was the party he first said "I love you" Funny what a year with someone will do. ha ha ha!!!
APRIL- Rear ended a lady. Later that day got pulled over for speeding. I am 2 for 2!
Joels transmission goes out.
WE DO...

Then we went to Cancun!!!

MAY- I started the worst job of my exsistance!! Got dropped by my car insurance company, and pay more than double what I was paying before :(
JUNE- Happy Birthday to ME, ZACH & JOEL! Got new BIKES!

JULY- We are forced by our Landlord to get rid of one of our kitties. And he charges us $50 a month to keep the other one.

AUGUST- The check engine light goes on in my new car!!! I SAW AVANT IN CONCERT!! The car wont start in Vegas. LOL!!

SEPTEMBER- Layed off again..... Can't say I mind because like I said it was the WORST!!!!
OCTOBER- Took a CNA class to open job oppurtunities for myself + Flexiblity
& started a marketing job for my Uncle in Finance.

NOVEMBER- Missed my Clinicals all 4 of them. Due to lack of planning and lack of motivation. Costing me a total of $120!!
DECEMBER- Got layed off working for my uncle! Oy vie.
Finally completing my clincals and getting my first dose of CNA work. wow WTF! I do not like changing adult diapers, or what they call them briefs. I don't think I can look at boxer briefs the same ever again!!!
* All the while blending a family together. Which was the hardest part.

BRING ON 2012. I am ready for you. A fresh start can't be bad!!! :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011


What is a family?
Now I am asking this in all sincerity. I am not one who puts up a front in a blog to make my life seem perfect, because its not. There is a huge discrepancy and fine line between some things and I would like to address them. First off. Just because a baby came out of your sperm doesn't make you their father. A father is someone who is there for his kids, a rolemodel, a supporter. All these play boys on talk shows "Im not the Daddy" Damn Right you're not! I dont even know why a woman is stupid enough to do a paternity test on your ass!!!!!!! Woman needs to handle her own business when it gets to that point and stop trying to get money out of the father (thats not really being a "father") Ok I digress.....
So Family. What makes one? My Son has 2 families. A mom, A dad, A step Mom and a Step dad. A half sister and a step sister. He has a lot of people who love and care for him, which is so great. BUT.....There is a HUGE and I mean HUGE gray area in all of this. That is what I want to talk about.
I am Zach's MOM. I feel I deserve credit in every definition and feeling of the word. He is MY BLOOD. No blood in him is that of his STEP moms. If my X and her got divorced he wouldn't see her anymore. She is THAT important! I am bringing this up because she constantly takes credit for being Zach's MOM and doesn't bother to add the STEP in front of it. Which Im sorry. The STEP is the most important part in her title. She does Motherly things for him and loves him like a mother loves her kid. Which I love that she loves him. But he's not her KID. Im sick of feeling 2nd to her in my OWN SON'S LIFE. This is not a competition. She needs to respect her place and respect me.
*She asked if I was going to volunteer in Zach's school class. My response was "I really can't figure out time, with work and everything" Her reply "Because I am" So she gets HER OWN DAUGHTER babysat so she can volunteer in MY SON'S CLASS. WTF!!! She also joined the PTA at the school. (Ok I don't want to join the PTA, now I feel like I have to because she is doing it)
*At Zach's Jr Jazz game they were doing a roster for parents to bring treats. I overhear the coach's wife "Who is zach's mom?" she pipes up "ME" then the coach asks me Who my kid is "Zach is my kid" she says "OH, She is Zach's Mom TOO" OH HELL NO!!!!!!! I AM ZACH'S MOM! This whole situation wouldn't have even bothered me had she pointed to me "We are all here for Zach" Instead she has to POINT OUT that she is his MOTHER. WTF!!!
*The divorce decree my X and I have states Jake as the insurance holder. I have medical insurance for Zach as well just not dental. Jake takes him to the dentist usually because of this. No big deal. I told him I wanted to take Zach to the dentist next time because I never have been able to. He doesn't care, of course. Then Zach says to me "Trisha said you can't take me to the dentist because she is" WTF!!!!!!! NO she isn't. IF i want to take him I GET TOO. SHE IS NOT HIS MOM.
*Years ago....Now I am against the flu shot. I dont like it. I have never gotten one and have never gotten one for Z. She throws a mini tantrum about it. Um NOT HER KID. then goes behind my back (my x didn't want him to have the shot either) takes him to the Dr. and gets him the flu shot. Excuse me, not only is this a law suit for the Dr. office because she isn't Zach's custodial parent but it wasn't her decision. This was the only year Zach has gotten the FLU. He got it from the Shot. Thanks a lot Trisha. Cool.
Point being I am so disrespected by this woman.
Now I have a step daughter and I am terrified to do anything to step on her Mom's toes because I have such a bad taste in my mouth. It has made it really hard to develop a bond with Zoey because I am so worried about doing this or that. Trisha im sure disagrees with some of my opinions in parenting and thats her own business, Much like i disagree with some of Zoey's moms. Its just very hard being the middle man. I dont want to take anything out on her (Either mom..Trisha or Zoe's mom) But i am seriously being walked all over from both sides.
UGH. I know i have big feet but I wish people would stop stepping on my toes all the time. This is some shit!!!!!!!!!
Here is my family. My true family. The family that will ALWAYS BE no matter what happens.

I am not trying to take anyone out of the picture. But Him and I are always going to be together no matter what happens with the rest of our "families"!
I LOVE MY ZACH! he's so strong as a 6yr old, and so mature to deal with all of our mistakes!! Im happy I am his REAL MOM.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

It's Xmas time!!

I usually make some form of decor. I love to craft! Last year i used sheet music to make a chain for our Christmas tree because Joel plays the Piano, Guitar, Saxaphone & Bagpipes! It was a lot of fun and now our tree is personalized.

This year I did the wreath. This wreath looks Awesome, I think. Which is why im sharing it!!!

I had this bow laying around for years, and finally put it to use!!!:)This cute wreath costed me a whole $5.50 to make, and 40 minutes!

Also check out my Christmas Kitty. I love her. Im pretty sure she hates me though, hahahaaha!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I'm Raising a Jock & Proud of IT!

I am so proud of my little one. He has so many interests and passions at such a young age. He also does well at everything he has tried to do! I'm hoping to get him on the ski slopes this winter. He is just starting Jr. Jazz. He was so nervous and had his first game yesterday. It turned out Awesome because 2 of the kids from his school class ended up being on his team! He warmed up to it right away and was the 2nd high scorer on the team. He made 4 points!! The high scorer made 6. He had his game face on!!! I also found out that the lil boy in his class that is also on his team, His MOM grew up a few houses down from me.(Jenni Goldman) Small world!! He has done Baseball, Soccer & now Basketball. He is already talking about Football!
Here's my boy at his first game! Go NUMBER 0. (ya...he is 0..haha)

Here he is at his Soccer game from the fall!

Here he is doing his Babe Ruth Baseball league last Spring. Go Iron Pigs!!!

& just for the sake of the blog here are some random older sports pics of MY MAIN MAN! HE IS THE STUD OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!

My mom always use to say to me and my sister "Can I be your Mom?" when we did something well when we were kids. Seriously. CAN I BE HIS MOM? Im so proud of him!!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My son, the Prodigy!

Zach is bloody genius!!! Now I would like to take credit for his smarts but I really can't do that because I dont know where he got this trait from!!!
Yesterday I got him some Spy Goggles. He likes them because of the movie Spy Kids. It came with a dogtag with an Agent Code on it. I said to him while he was eating his after school snack "Cool! It has an Agent code. You can use this Code for passwords and only you will know it. It is ZYWA17"


He is online wanting to play Moshi Monsters. A kids gaming site they create their own monster. "Mommy. I want to use my code for the password"..... "No you can't use it until you know it. IF you lost that tag you wouldn't be able to login..."
"I do know it. It is ZYWA17" I went to check it & sure enough he was right!!!! I cannot memorize things for the life of me. Only one memorization function works in my brain. The part where I memorize what outift people wore & what day they wore it on. I am seriously amazed by Zach! Wow. So cool! He only heard it that one time, while he was eating. LOL~ Most men/boys don't hear anything while they are eating. ;)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Its Ironic that the background I just picked for my blog is of acorns. & I am deathly allergic to them. I have never been more swollen. I break out in hives.Acorns make me a miserable mama but I love the look of them so much!!! I also want to make these cute lil numbers... omg! Aren't they cute? They look delish!!!

*Its ironic that I have been ID' more often in my late 20's than in my early 20's. What did I look old because I was fat and wore frumpy clothing? Yea, I dont do that anymore. I prefer to be scandelous. ;)
*Its ironic that I hate nothing more than Mario. I hate the game music and am confused as to why a princess even wants to be saved by chubby pedophile plumbers? Yet Zach is being Luigi for halloween and Zoey Princess Peach. And I love THAT!
*Its Ironic I "dont have time" to work out. Then when my schedule opens up I still dont work out. WTF!!! I am the see it to believe it kinda gal, and if I was consistent about the gym it would make me a believer. Right now though, Id rather die than "make time" to go!
*Its ironic that people in general are nicer to strangers, than they are to the people they love. I dont know about everyone else but Im pretty sure I am most commonly ornery with my kids or husband...rather than strangers. Im wondering if that person at the store that bit my head off for no reason goes home and is a lil bundle of peace and harmony? Maybe I should try this tactic. Hahahah!
*Its ironic how I need metaphors for everything in my life. I make them up constantly. My current one is this puzzle called family ive been trying to place together for a year. It is the damndest hardest puzzle. Why the hell did I pick a puzzle that has so many small pieces? Im giving it another go. We are working on our problems and Im hoping Joel will help me with the puzzle this next time around so I dont have to do it all alone. When my dad was little he use to steal a piece of the puzzle his mom was putting together so when she was done with it, he could put in the last piece. Haha! Well when we get to that point I hope someone didn't steal the last forsaken piece of our puzzle. How irritating LOL!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I saw my Celebrity BF in concert... Celebrity boyfriend is a Celebrity that you can have sex with if the oppurtunity arose and it has no basis on current relationship status. LOL! Seriously, I would have too. He is so sexy! Plus he smelled so good. I had drank a lot of Riesling this night and don't really remember anything except for that he smelled good and he did a little dance pelvic thrust on stage and im sorry if anyone is under age... but I just came!!!!!

MY Current relationship status is MARRIED but COMPLICATED. In fact I am looking at divorce papers on the table right now. I guess I have to go to another Avant concert. Damn. I dont have a picture with him without Joel in it. This pic is awesome if we stayed married but It aint lookin to hawt right nah!!!!!! Yes, I do care. I realize by the way I am writting this it would appear that I do not. But, Im trying to be positive and I understand that I am Ok. Im not transparent enough to say my whole world is crumbling bc that would be dramatic and false. Anyway, Thanks to all my family and friends who have always supported me...even in my sexual debacles aka wishes where I talk about Celebrities. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I might float away!!

Welcome to town its the Landsaw Circus! hahaha.
We got some family pics taken. I think they turned out pretty cute. It was a huge hassle to do this! We had to take 2 cars & Wow, those balloons cost $13 a balloon. Can you believe that? Im glad we weren't paying a photographer on top of it. They were kind of heavy and it was SOO hot this day. My sister took the pics for us! =) She has been our certified photographer. She did our engagements and after our really bad wedding photos I dont want to hire a photographer, again. Ugh!!! Anyway here are my favorite photos.......

We had a Pink balloon for Zoe, but unfortunantly she let it go before the first picture. I saw that happening! Good thing we had an extra!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I had this great teacher in young womens, back when I was probably around 13. Im not a religious person and I dont think she is either, which is why she was so awesome for me! hah! But she had this theory that has stuck with me throughout the years. She had 2 boys and said everytime they would start arguing she would have them go say whatever they were going to say to each other to a plant she had in the kitchen. She had 2 identical plants next to each other on the counter. One was the negative plant. One the positive. Her boys would go cuss at it and say all sorts of rude things to the plant. She watered and took care of the 2 plants the same. Eventually the negative plant wilted and died. I love this story because negativity does affect you in actions, health and attitude. I think of this story often and want to implement it with my own kids. Problem is I dont want any of my plants to die.LOL. and weather or not that is why, Im not willing to risk it! We have been trying to blend a family together for a year this month. Oh man. I got married young the first time around. Then divorced and was single for 5 years, living alone...and blending a family together with 2 completely opposite parenting techniques is easily the hardest thing I have ever had to endure. I curse the Brady Bunch because it is NOTHING like this. Favortism. Coddling. Discipling. Buying toys, Clothes, Bedtime rituals. Bad habits. Things I have never even thought would be an issue. Has been an issue twice, or three times! Seriously so ridiculous. I am only 1 person!!!! So awhile back I found these seeds and planted them. I love them. Apparently when the seed sprouts it comes out of the dirt and you can read the word still. I can't wait to see it!! Im so excited!

Maybe the plant will help!!! It helped my young women's teacher all those years ago! The seed says FAMILY on it. Hopefully this plant grows stronger with time, & hopefully my family will continue to as well!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Z makes a suggestion!

So the other day Zach was over at my Parents house. She had painted one of those wooden displays people put their face into for pictures, for a retirement home.

Z: Grandma, Why is the lady on that holding a cigarette?
My Mom: Because I didn't know what else to put in her hand. She is a saloon girl, and saloon girls smoke those long cigarettes.
Z: (SIGH) Grandma........You can put anything else in her hand. You can put a Ball, or some food. You can put a flower or an animal. You can put a slingshot or a piece of carpet.

LOL!!! A piece of carpet. Did they have carpet back then? ha ha ha. ZACH! He is so hilarious. So my mom took his advice and painted over the cigarette with some playing cards. She liked his suggestion to change it!

She obviously didn't go for the carpet suggestion though, Probably a good call!!! =)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What, did. I. Just. Say?!?!?!

I have a new EMBARRASSING moment that will top them all.....
Here is what being Nervous/Tired & having a very LONG weekend (not in a good way) will to do you.......
I have not had to make outbound calls at my work yet (its been 9 weeks) until recently they got a phone for my desk. GOODIE!!!! That was me being sarcastic if you didn't know! The calls I am making are to ask Architects and General Contractors about any new Addenda (changes) to the plan we are working on, And where It can be found. The receptionist writes the number/contact name down...She wrote: O'Brien/Atkins Ass: Todd Tingler...then the # (She meant Associates...obviously... but why is his last name Tingler?) So I call and this is my:




"Thanks for calling O'Brien/Atkins how may I direct your call?"
"May I speak to Ass Tingler...Todd. Todd Tingler.........."
"......................One moment please"

OMG! WHAT?!!! WTF!!! WHAT did I just say??!!!!!!!! LOL LOL!
(Luckily Mr Tingler didn't answer, and I left a VM!)

It wasn't my fault. I read how it was written before the call and thought ha ha ha. Then was flustered when she answered.
Maybe they wont let me make calls anymore!!!! =)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Tribute to Cos!

I have the best Kitty on the planet! I am sorry. Yes I am that kitty mom that takes pictures of the cat as if its my own baby. Last night she was running up and down the stairs, behind the Tv, back up the stairs, behind the Tv, on the top of the couch then to the other couch then back behind the Tv. The whole time she is doing this I was sitting at the computer watching her. She starts meowing then running again. This went on for maybe 7min straight. Then she walks over and has her toy in her mouth (its a little stuffed dog LOL) she puts it down and starts giving herself a bath. I play with my Itunes for like 3 min then look at her, and she passed out!!!! All that running made my baby tired. Hahahaha!

I get up to go change the laundry and she is up.
She follows me downstairs and is sitting like a lady watching me... I start singing to her "If your mama's favorite kitty meow right nooowwwww" (ya know to the tune of if you're happy and you know it....) "Mmmmeeeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww" LOL seriously she meowed and it was the longest meow ever. and so I sung it again and she meowed again. LOL I started laughing so hard I was crying!

Oh my! love her snooty ass.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The 3 P's.

*Parenting *Punishment and of course *Pee!!!!!!!!
On a scale of 1-10 for strictness in parenting. 10 being super strict and 1 being so lax that your kids control your life, I would probably rate myself at a 6. Ever since Zach was as little as 1 year old he has had regular time outs and punishments for whatever behavior he displayed. Ive been through putting him on the stair (for Time Out) and having him run away and putting him back on it OVER AND OVER. Putting him in his room and listening to him scream and kick the walls repeatedly OVER AND OVER. And sadly but surely I have been SO annoyed with him before that I have left him in his room long enough that he has fallen asleep during a punishment. All of this said and done he usually is a pretty Awesome, Funny, Smart Kid!
That being said.... emphasis on USUALLY and emphasis on KID. I realize he is a 6yr old little BOY and he will do boy things....Although I dont condone the phrase "Boys will be Boys" That is the stupidest saying I have ever heard. Just because someone is a BOY doesn't automatically grant them the honor of acting in certain ways nor does it make it OK. So, last Sat we were at home. Me, Zach, Joel & Zoey. The kids were playing downstairs. We have 1 bathroom it is upstairs. There are 3 levels... The kids come upstairs and Zoe informs Joel that Zach has gone to the bathroom in the litter box #1 & #2....and that she tried too, but couldn't go. UMMM. WHAT!!!!! WTF???? I am at a loss for what to do. The punishments were as follows: No Wii, Netflix, Movies for the rest of the weekend and No Bike. Zach cleaned the litter box and Zoey had to clean the upstairs toilet since she didn't "Use" the litter box. Unfortunately the kiddos were going to their other parents house Sat afternoon. Jake carries out my punishments so Zach was still grounded but Im pretty sure Zoey got off Scott free.
Zach was acting way sorry and wanted his stuff back so bad, he got it all back on Monday. I get a call on Monday night from Jake informing me that Zach has been peeing in the corner of his bedroom since SATURDAY. WHAT THE!!!!!!! Saturday is when he was punished for peeing in the litter box...Apparently the punishment didn't sink in!!!!!! So not only did Zach pee in the corner of his bedroom 4 times (that he admits too) he tried to blame it on his sister Victoria, who is 1 yr old, and wears a diaper! We dont think this behavior is an attention plea. He said he didn't want to use the toilet because then he'd have to wash his hands and he didn't want too. Apparently he doesn't understand that you still should wash your hands when you pee even though its on the carpet. LOL!!!!!!! His punishments for this time are as follows: 10 jobs chore sheet done before doing anything else in the morning, early to bed, No story time at bedtime & if he wants to play certain things in the day like ride his bike or the Wii he must do extra chores to "earn that" back. I told Jake to put a diaper on him. LOL if he doesn't know how to use the toilet he needs one. Now I am more concerned about him LYING than I am about his choice of Bathrooms. Its probably because we have been kind of strict with him, and now he is scared to TELL THE TRUTH because he knows he will be in trouble! Ahhh, how I remember lying to my parents. Lmao, it never works out the way you intend it too, plus its kind of hard to keep straight who you told the truth too and who you told the lie too, and what lie. Jake says the apple didnt fall far from the tree because when he was a kid he peed into the heater vents. WTF? Im so glad he is not my kid!!!!!!! and I guess it proves right about the apple again because I lied all the time as a kid. I guess both of us totally deserve it. LOL!!!
Anyway I feel sad for Z. He has been walking around kind of sad for a few days. If he keeps up the good behavior he will get all of his stuff back and be out of the woods in time for the 4th of July! It is my year to have him and actually this is my FIRST 4th of July having him. EVER. I know SAD!!! but I have always had to work!

Here's hoping for a POTTY TRAINED, Fun, 4th of July weekend for me and my Family!!! =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FunFacts 101

​Things I know, That you should probably know too....

1.White should really not be worn after labor day and before memorial day. Seriously.
2. The term X's come from metaphorically crossing someone out. Not from marking the spot.
3. 5 day work weeks are of the devil
4. Sext messaging is really the best, OK. yes I said sext.
5. Using someones name or age as an excuse for certain behavior is really not OK. (Ie: "Yep that's Mallory for you...") Excuse me, Just because that is Mallory doesn't mean she can act like a total ass.
6. Teal is the best color invented
7. My wedding ring has 2.5ct worth of diamonds on it and it cost entirely too much money =(

8. When you are turning right, please just turn. Are you stopping or turning? WTF
9. Music can change your mood!
10. My son is turning 6 tomorrow. 6!!!! CraZy! & he did this pose by himself. LOL

11. Post it notes were invented to remind your significant other they are sexy..Not to remind you to buy milk.
12. Beyonce really did have the best video. LOL even though Kanye really is a D bag.
13. Pedicures are worth every penny!
14. Waking up on your own account is PRICELESS, no children/alarm/pets in the way!
15. Don't tell someone something stinks "smell it" Really?
16.Do not buy black cars. Just don't do it. It will never be clean.
17.Jagged Edge is releasing their new album June 21. =)
18. Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional <----Whoever wrote this quote I will punch them in the face. I hate grown ups that act like children.
19. Cooking blogs really are the best thing since sliced bread! Oh my. I love reading about how to be domesticated LOL
20. Men are the sexiest in pink & purple, flip flops and hats. Sorry, They are.
21.Everything isn't a competition. I wish everyone would stop being so damn competitive all the time.
22. Copying someone really isn't the highest form of flattery. Knock it off.
23.Ritz and Peanut Butter!!!!!!!
24. Without the Internet I would not have a job. I don't know weather to thank 1992 or curse it.
25. Myspace really is the worst site ever invented.... Even though I met my husband on it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Usually chopping things is a bad thing right? I mean just saying. Chopping your finger off. Having another limb chopped off. Chopping Onions even makes ya cry.
Well every since I can remember she been choppin our heads choppin choppin our heads...choppin choppin our head (haha. Thanks three 6 Mafia the original Lyrics are Poppin my colla) Excuse me I am still mad. Lets get choppin.

I didn't include the ones from my previous post. Wow. AWEN PHOTOGRAPHY.They really captured the best, Dontcha think?