Saturday, December 10, 2011


What is a family?
Now I am asking this in all sincerity. I am not one who puts up a front in a blog to make my life seem perfect, because its not. There is a huge discrepancy and fine line between some things and I would like to address them. First off. Just because a baby came out of your sperm doesn't make you their father. A father is someone who is there for his kids, a rolemodel, a supporter. All these play boys on talk shows "Im not the Daddy" Damn Right you're not! I dont even know why a woman is stupid enough to do a paternity test on your ass!!!!!!! Woman needs to handle her own business when it gets to that point and stop trying to get money out of the father (thats not really being a "father") Ok I digress.....
So Family. What makes one? My Son has 2 families. A mom, A dad, A step Mom and a Step dad. A half sister and a step sister. He has a lot of people who love and care for him, which is so great. BUT.....There is a HUGE and I mean HUGE gray area in all of this. That is what I want to talk about.
I am Zach's MOM. I feel I deserve credit in every definition and feeling of the word. He is MY BLOOD. No blood in him is that of his STEP moms. If my X and her got divorced he wouldn't see her anymore. She is THAT important! I am bringing this up because she constantly takes credit for being Zach's MOM and doesn't bother to add the STEP in front of it. Which Im sorry. The STEP is the most important part in her title. She does Motherly things for him and loves him like a mother loves her kid. Which I love that she loves him. But he's not her KID. Im sick of feeling 2nd to her in my OWN SON'S LIFE. This is not a competition. She needs to respect her place and respect me.
*She asked if I was going to volunteer in Zach's school class. My response was "I really can't figure out time, with work and everything" Her reply "Because I am" So she gets HER OWN DAUGHTER babysat so she can volunteer in MY SON'S CLASS. WTF!!! She also joined the PTA at the school. (Ok I don't want to join the PTA, now I feel like I have to because she is doing it)
*At Zach's Jr Jazz game they were doing a roster for parents to bring treats. I overhear the coach's wife "Who is zach's mom?" she pipes up "ME" then the coach asks me Who my kid is "Zach is my kid" she says "OH, She is Zach's Mom TOO" OH HELL NO!!!!!!! I AM ZACH'S MOM! This whole situation wouldn't have even bothered me had she pointed to me "We are all here for Zach" Instead she has to POINT OUT that she is his MOTHER. WTF!!!
*The divorce decree my X and I have states Jake as the insurance holder. I have medical insurance for Zach as well just not dental. Jake takes him to the dentist usually because of this. No big deal. I told him I wanted to take Zach to the dentist next time because I never have been able to. He doesn't care, of course. Then Zach says to me "Trisha said you can't take me to the dentist because she is" WTF!!!!!!! NO she isn't. IF i want to take him I GET TOO. SHE IS NOT HIS MOM.
*Years ago....Now I am against the flu shot. I dont like it. I have never gotten one and have never gotten one for Z. She throws a mini tantrum about it. Um NOT HER KID. then goes behind my back (my x didn't want him to have the shot either) takes him to the Dr. and gets him the flu shot. Excuse me, not only is this a law suit for the Dr. office because she isn't Zach's custodial parent but it wasn't her decision. This was the only year Zach has gotten the FLU. He got it from the Shot. Thanks a lot Trisha. Cool.
Point being I am so disrespected by this woman.
Now I have a step daughter and I am terrified to do anything to step on her Mom's toes because I have such a bad taste in my mouth. It has made it really hard to develop a bond with Zoey because I am so worried about doing this or that. Trisha im sure disagrees with some of my opinions in parenting and thats her own business, Much like i disagree with some of Zoey's moms. Its just very hard being the middle man. I dont want to take anything out on her (Either mom..Trisha or Zoe's mom) But i am seriously being walked all over from both sides.
UGH. I know i have big feet but I wish people would stop stepping on my toes all the time. This is some shit!!!!!!!!!
Here is my family. My true family. The family that will ALWAYS BE no matter what happens.

I am not trying to take anyone out of the picture. But Him and I are always going to be together no matter what happens with the rest of our "families"!
I LOVE MY ZACH! he's so strong as a 6yr old, and so mature to deal with all of our mistakes!! Im happy I am his REAL MOM.

1 comment:

Modern Family said...

Hey Brooke, I saw your blog on Jessica's (Ovendon-Cole) a while back & I have to say that I enjoy reading it, you seriously make me laugh!
I had to comment on this particular post because I too am a mom & step-mom to-be & don't always love the situation. It's so hard to know your role & stick to it, especially when others don't respect it.
Thanks for being so honest & candid about...well, everything!

~Emily (Robbins) Smith -soon to be Hansen :)