Friday, August 6, 2010

Work @ Home?

Excuse me WORK FROM HOME advertisements. GET OUT. Im sick of all these pop ups about how great it is to work from home.

Having a child at home is a FULL TIME JOB!!!!!!!!

You cannot get work done with your CHILD ON YOUR LAP!!!!!!

Child would NOT be content either. Yes that is fine Jr. Please let me get 2 sentences typed with my 1 free hand. chew mommy's phone. WTF.

Now I know that people do work from home. I get that. But Im sure its more like "Ok the kids are getting up at 8ish so I have to get up at 5 to get a few hours in. Then at the nap I will work a few more hours. Then when my husband (if they have one....) gets home Ill work a bit more" Or they work all 4 hours of PT work at night after the kids go to bed... I swear I am at my wits end with these stupid ads. Work is work weather its at HOME or the OFFICE. GET REAL!!!!!!!! actually LMAO its probably worse to work from home cuz then you are ALWAYS home. No escape! hahahaha.....

1 comment:

Jenaaaay said...

HA HA HA HA HA oh my gosh brooke this is my most favorite post ever!! so funny and true! those pics suck and so do people who work from home.