Monday, August 9, 2010

Song Sunday... On Monday...

I chose this song because it showed up on a playlist that Itunes Genius made.
This song has HAUNTED ME since my SR year in HIGH SCHOOL, and when it came on I just smiled. Which is awesome. The reasons it haunted me are:
*I was dumped by my boyfriend over the summer... The first song I heard after it was.... THIS DAMN SONG! then I got out of the car at the gas station & was stung by a bee. & put way too much gas in my car and it squirted out all over me. Yes, Then later I ate some fish and it gave me food poisoning. I was hugging the toilet that day. LOL
*Secondly I met my X's X... some crazy ass girl that was coinsidently working with me... and guess what song was on???? THIS ONE!!!!
*I got in a huge fight with my college roommate because I was immiture and lame.. but that aside.. As I left the house in a fit of rage THIS SONG WAS ON!!!!!!! What the?!?!
*Years later, while married I got in a fight with now X, and left mad... got in a car accident.. in my aftermath I realized this DAMN SONG was playing. Not kidding.

Marc Anthony I so do hate you. Well I used too!

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