Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Does anyone else have issues with their parents? Apparently they hate me now.
Namely my mother. She is so Black/White. She is disapointed in me to the Umph degree for choosing to move in with my boyfriend in 3 weeks. People do this all the time....
Something about rushing it. Well weve been dating for a year now. My X was married for 10 months already at that time. Rushing to get married is ok. But dating someone for a year then moving in is NOT. ????????????????????????????
Something about me giving Zach permission to shack up. Well mom im pretty sure last time I checked he didn't need permission from me to live with someone. Especially at the age of 28... She can't be serious?
Something about she thought I would want to have a good family someday and teach them right from wrong. Pretty sure I can have a good family if we are not active LDS. Does she realize alot of familes outside of Utah raise good successful children with no church background? iguessnot. Also pretty sure I would teach them right from wrong. Just not in a classroom setting. Really mom?
Something about my sister and I ruining the long line of believers in the family because none of her offspring or their offspring will follow in it. I am pretty sure I have let Zach go to church with his father since day 1. I do not care if he goes or doesn't go. I don't care if he chooses to go on a mission/get married in the temple. I am proud of him and his life. He is a good boy so far (mwahaha). She can't support me? I do not do anything to hurt anyone or myself.
Something about how I am confusing Zach. His dad follows the church and I do not. Well I think its good for him honestly, To be able to see that everyone is not one way. And its OK to be yourself. And however you ARE. is OK.
Something about the 10 commandments being set in stone from hundreds of years bc.I couldn't remember what they all were LOL I just looked them up. hahaha.... Im not sure why she even said that now. The only one I dont do is keeping the sabbath day holy. I have not done anything to any neighbor LOL. btw Drinking Coffee/Tea/Wine isn't a problem. Coffee/Tea/Wine are good for your body. When I was married since it states something about consuming hot beverages I would get Iced Coffee & Tea. This would tick my X right off. Yet he never could tell me why that rule was even in there.
Also something about her thinking I would "come around"... Excuse me. I went to an LDS church for 22 years of my life. I have come around. hahaha. Sorry I am really not trying to offend anyone. Since I have my choice of free agency I am using it. The church even wants me to do that, Yet she's pissed?

Have a good day everyone~

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