"yea baby??"
"I been thinking, and I think that.... I think its time for me to get a job!!!"
"Why do you want a job???"
"Because I want to buy a hotdog, and a rootbeer."
Oh. of course. LOL.
"You probably have enough in your piggy bank at home to buy that now. But I could buy it for you if you dont."
"I want to buy it with my own money, thanks mom!"
OH my!! he is so silly. Yet so cute!
What a sweet little boy! He's so cute with personality!!!
i freakin love this story
he is so cute! You have done a great job raising him! JARe you coming to cedar next week? Areyou not freaking excited about baraba's barbies!!@!@!@?!@?!??$?@!?>#?!@#>@#%>^#%^?&@?@?$#>$^%?$%^&?%^&?%$?^?$%^?#^>?#@#?!@??!!? (That is how excited I am) Love ya
i tried to comment on this forever ago and it wouldn't let me! BUT i LOVED this story. that is all.
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