Sunday, July 5, 2009

dating... metaphorically

So I just realized something & thought i would say this....

Dating is like stealing candy from a baby. Sure you want the "sucker". But once you have it its not so sweet anymore! And their are always tears involved.
My dating life has been as follows...(he in the following metophor is just every boy USA to clarify!) Oooooh! I really like this one. Hes not a texter so if he doesn't call, thats that. pissees me off so badly, and Im not gonna call, I have WAY to much pride for that. Or He is just a texter, wants to text all damn day long but never asks you out on a date. Im glad you are eating a sandwich, thanks for telling me... now delete my number. I dont know why he continues to lead me on. He leads me into this black Tunnell. once im there, he's gone & I find out he has given me a flashlight, with NO batteries... SO I am left alone with no clue how to get out, and cant see. I just get so lost there. I am so sick of dumbasses that dont follow through! I want to see the light at the end of this tunnell, and date a decent man that will give me a working flashlight. if you get what i am saying!

On another sidenote... I have not been the best Datee' either.
Here is what I do... to weed HIM out....
*Textin a little bit, and acting kinda flirty. maybe sayin "yeah we should go out sometime" when I in actuallity have no intention of seeing this person and I dont even have their number in my phone. I just recognize the last 2 digits of the number when they text LOL.
*My fav is having someones number in my phone, and when they text acting like i dont know who they are.... "WHO is this??" hahahha.
*Or Im sure some guys would say I am a huge biatch. But ya know, Its just to find out if they really want to date me, or just see me when its conveniently 12am and they happen to be in the area. Im actually a very nice person LOL

Ummmm I think i just realized why I keep gettin left in that tunnell. Probably KARMA biting me. lol Owell It just sucks because In the end, I only have 2 hands & am not superwoman. I am getting burried with finances, and splitting my time between work, zach and friends!

I miss my cat. Apparently she is mean as hell now. So maybe its a good thing I didnt get to bring her with me. Last thing I need is KARMA & a CAT biting me.

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