When is it Ok to Sugar Coat? And when is it not?
"Do I look fat in this dress?" <--------OK to Sugar Coat.
"I freakin burned this chicken" <-----OK to Sugar Coat.
So why can't anyone handle the truth??? I try to avoid people that are to "abrupt" for me. They bug its like they don't have a filter. Have you ever tasted Coffee without it going through a filter? I mean it is not the business!!!! This filter less person is like that cup of coffee to me.
So when does it go from Sugar Coating to straight up Lying? and is still ok if it involves a child???? The reason for this blog is because I get so annoyed with People and how they are with their kids. Seriously! Stop Sugar Coating EVERYTHING. If they SUCK they SUCK. Not to be abrupt because I just did say I hate people that are too abrupt. But seriously I have had it with this. Kid seriously is ridiculous at something, I mean not good at all. Don't blow smoke up their little bum. Point out what they ARE good at, and move on from it. These kids are all over American Idol making fools of themselves, because they think they are the Cats Pajamas. I am on a tirade! The way I was raised is exactly this way. My parents always told me I can do better, it use to bug me. Like, really? I just tried really hard to get that B and you are mad about it??? But I couldve gotten an A. That's what its about! Also, my cousins and I would be getting into all sorts of trouble and doing this and that. THEIR parents response when we got caught "My kids would never do that" MY parents response "MY kids are the ones that influenced them" This also use to bug me. It was always ME, MY FAULT. Well, Sorry for Zach I am the same way. I always think it is HIM if something is going on, and more times than not, Its NOT him. But why do parents have this veil over their eyes about their kids??? They aren't that cute. They aren't that smart. They aren't good at everything. Its not rude to be honest about this. Right? I will be the first one to tell Zach "You're not very good at that. But keep practicing" I'm not about to tell him he is amazing just because he tried. He's not. Its great on him that he tried, for sure! Not saying that, but that doesn't mean he needs to be over praised. Am I wrong?? I see this on a daily basis of parents over praising their kids. Sorry but they need to hear how it is too. I feel it is sending them down a wrong road in life, of not earned cockiness and explosive self esteem. There is a difference between being confident and cocky. I want to raise confident kids. Kids that have earned that confidence because they are good and smart. Not cocky ones that walk around thinking they are amazing (because of fake smoke blown up their ass constantly by their parents) when everyone is seeing they aren't, I mean how embarrassing. How can parents be so blind????
Convo with my Dad: "The kids should only get a trophy if they win" (about Zachie's baseball/basketball/soccer trophies) "well they are little still, and they don't keep an acurate score" D:"Well....then they definantly shouldn't be getting a trophy" .........Not that I mind that the kids get trophies. But why do they? I think he is right. It didn't use to be this way. If you got the trophy it was because you DID something to earn it. Like WIN for example.....Now everyone gets one so nobody gets butt hurt. Really Society? Way to be........
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