Saturday, January 1, 2011

Work Pet Peeves!


These are things annoying to me. In my work.
*People print something & then come over to me "Where did my stuff print?" Um.... I am not sure. WHAT PRINTER DID YOU SEND IT TOO? that might be a good place to check. idiot.
*Putting storage samples on the technician bench... RIGHT NEXT TO what was just picked up to be tested. Can you not do this? If you cant tell if its storage or new samples... Neither can we. Genius.
*Calling me on the work phone from the next work isle over to ask if I will bring you papers you just printed. I'm sorry Pick up Only. Delivery requires Tips.
*Rolling on your chair 4 isles over to get something so you don't have to walk. In the meantime making it so people who are trying to walk by are BLOCKED by your huge ass chair.
*Technologists misspelling words. I am suppose to enter exactly what is written on their print screens into the system. Um. Then I put my employee number on it. So I look like the moron! They have a degree. I don't know how.
*People talking out loud to themselves. I say "what? Are you talking to me?" and I get the death stare. It is not my fault you are talking out loud.
*Thinking because you are in a wheelchair it means you get to hit people in their calf with the bottom of it. You have to wait in line like everyone to get ice water/food. Please understand that's like me coming up to you and kicking you. its not ok just because you're in a chair.
*Seeing a coworker in the bathroom, This is not a place to talk to me about work related issues or excepts that I ordered for you. Please come talk to me when I am not trying to go to the bathroom in the stall. Mmmk Thanks.
*We answer the phone for 3 labs. Front Desk calling tells me John is here. I am not sure who john is. why he is coming. or for who? But if I ask any questions I get major attitude.
*"Hi this is Brandon from Client Services".... Pause... Pause..."Hello??" Brandon!!!! I hear you. Please just tell me why you are calling and get the hell off the phone.
*Technologist takes samples out of the freezer to go test them. In the meantime I start a new run seeing as how the old one is not in there anymore. to which Technologist comes over and asks "Did you start this? I just took the run 5 min ago..." (implying they want all samples... but expect me to be a Effing mind reader....)
*Small talk with co worker. End of convo. They are still standing there looking at you. Umm. 5 seconds of work awkwardness = 5 min of awkwardness in the real world. Please walk away when our conversation is over.
*People going through drawers looking for a certain color of post it notes to use. Because they don't like yellow. What the hell. Its a reminder note, does it really matter what color it is?
*Parking stalkers. The ones that drive 3mph behind you following you to your car. Then when you get there you are scraping snow off of it for 5 min. And they sit there the whole time with their BLINKER on. Is that really necessary? in that amount of time you could have found another spot and walked in.
*Security thinking they are keeping unwanted guests out of the building by making only 1 entrance available to employees (even with a badge) on the weekends. I just had to walk around the WHOLE building to get in. Trust me. Nobody wants to be here on a weekend unless they have to. Plus they can just follow me in the ONE door that is open if they really wanted to get in here..........
*Every other year I have to go outside wait in a long line and put out a fire with a fire extinguisher. I promise. I remember how to do it. Thanks.
* Just now. as I am writing this... got this phone call... "Hello. This is Nicole. I just came down to drop off a sample but you weren't there. Are you there now?" Um I just answered the phone...... I certainly am not streamlining work calls to my cell Nicole!!!!!!!
* & lastly work. work is just annoying. This is long. and trust me I could keep going hahaha.


LiNdS said...

Good Stuff...1800contacts is hiring. :)

Lucy_Good said...

Wow all of these are SO true! It's ridiculous, I totally agree with the yellow post it notes. I see people do that all the time! I've had people take my purple post it notes and switch it with their yellow one. Ok??? My favorite is rolling in the chair all the way down the isle looking like a complete idiot while they do it. Sigh.