Saturday, January 29, 2011

Work Shmerk.

I know that work stuff is boring to read but I figure this is blogworthy
I have worked for ARUP for 4years. 4 freakin years. That is a long time!!!!!! I started there when Zach was only 1yr old and I was divorced for 3 months! It has been a good job, the Pay isn't the best but I was able to work the hours I needed too in order to be a good mom. I have never had any problems ... well within moderation, with the company. Until about 5 months ago......
I got a new manager.. lets see how I should put this... she was a total bitch!!! Wow total bitch. She made different guidelines for the job I had been working the following 3yrs. This would not be a problem if i was a circus tiger and loved jumping through flaming hoops of fire. But seriously. She didn't change my pay and I started getting written up ALL THE TIME. As previously mentioned I have worked in Electropheresis Manual Endocrinology & special Chemistry departments for 3 YEARS... it is not like i dont know what I am doing. All my write ups were for stupid things, I wasn't compromising samples, or making major mistakes that affected patient care. It was stuff like:
*Not initialing the counter top cleaning log (as IF i am not cleaning that bitch... excuse me, I work in a lab. I cleaned it probaly 7 times or more a shift)
*Not picking up my samples that I checked out of storage within a 10 minute period. Um. This isn't even a big deal. Storage samples maintain temperature until I would go get them.... There was not really a need for the rush. and I would get them within the hour.
She hated me!!!! LOL well honestly I wasn't a fan either.
She started saying I was unapproachable, unprofessional, rude and LATE for my shift. my shift starts at 5:00AM....I get here usually at 5:10ish. Meanwhile my coworker gets a promotion his shift starts at 6am... he usually arrives at 9am. I am not even kidding.
I went to my manager and expressed my unhappiness and gave valid points. Things got worse here. seriously... She started to "watch" me and make my life a living hell.
Long story shortened......I was forced to resign. Honestly forced. She took me to HR and they asked me to finish out 2weeks and resign. I had to write a formal resignition letter. She said there is no longer a spot for me in EME. WTF!!!!!!! I didn't even do ANYTHING!!!!!! During my meeting she was reading a "job duties" thing to me....!!!!! I said "I already do that, spare me!" (I was done being nice, up until this... I was always polite.) She got in my face and said "THEN DO IT WITH SOME DAMN RESPECT. YOU HAVE NEVER AWKNOWLEDGED ME WHEN I WALK DOWN THE ISLE......" she is joking right???? I didn't realize she walked on water. I was FIRED!!!!!! they just gave me a 2 week notice.
I am hoping I am eligible for Unemployment because I can't exactly support my son while looking for work if I can't get that.
I am so annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't do anything & my 4yr reference is tainted now. Everyone that I work with is literally shocked by this... Although, I am so happy I will not have to:
*get up at 4am anymore
*work 70 hours in one week (ive done that for 3years now. Im ready for a break...)
*Deal with that crap anymore. I am so done!!!!!!!! My quality of life has already improved knowing I am free.
*Be paid like shit. Literally... its a good company but they do not PAY well. at all. I understand that I dont have a degree but I could make that kind of money anywhere. & trust me they really expect a lot for what they pay. All the hippa, Osha, Cap inspection, Quarterly training, Required Continued education, test knowledge, so much work already just to stay employed then I have to do my job on top of it.... I am sooo done.
I think i should get a celebration cake with managers picture on it and go office space on her and by her I mean the cake.

I figure it wont matter if i post a pic if i block out her eyes... thats what they do on TV to protect pedophilles!!!!!!!!
Weird, she already had the horns!
I only have one thing left to say........


Lucy_Good said...

Yea this whole situation is messed up. I'm so going to miss you at work but you won't be so unhappy anymore! EFF this bitch! haha I love this post it cracked me up!!!

Jenaaaay said...

i haaaaaaate work.
but i luhhhhve this post.
and you!
i know you'll find something so much better :)