Thursday, April 29, 2010

Weird Phenomenon...

This is annoying. And True. WHYYYYY?????? Everytime I make coffee I would make 2 cups. I would not drink 2 cups I would usually only drink about 1. And the rest would go down the drain. But I made 2 so I would have enough if I wanted more. I decided this was wasteful and made 1 cup.... I wanted MORE, WHY? Because I didn't have any more.
This is also true when ordering coffee... If I get a grande' I throw 1/4-1/2 of it away. But If I get a Tall I am wondering WHYY I didn't get a Grande'??
I hardly ever have Cash on me & still mostly use my card even if I do have cash... But the other day I had some cash and thought I would buy my breakfast with it. Well (im sure you know where this is going....) The person in front of me in line was short 10 cents. So I gave it to her. Then guess what??? I AM SHORT EXACTLY 10 CENTS! I had to use my card.....
"I think I have enough gas to get Zach to school. After I drop him off I will get some..." Well pretty sure this is the day their is a 5 car pileup on the freeway & I am forced to exit early to get to the gas station. Are you serious??? If I had filled up my car those people would not have crashed. Its just the way it works!
At work I have certain things I have to do for my shift. At the end of my shift I always go pick up my samples that were checked out of storage for the day and put them where they belong. Well pretty sure STORAGE always faults, is down, is broken... at this exact time. Forcing me to STAY LATE!!!! I realize its going to happen so I decided to pick my samples up an hour before I am off... But something always happens. I am always late leaving!
Lastly, My boyfriend teased me ONE TIME about him being a better cook than me. I was bugged by this because, No im not a gourmet chef, But I do alright! Well, Since this convo... everything I have tried to make for him has turned into complete and udder turmoil. LOL Its like In my head or something... I seriously burned rice the other day. Im pretty sure If I were cooking it for Zach & I that I wouldn't have. ;)
Its so crazy. If you are ever in a hurry thats when their will be the biggest traffic jam ever. But when you leave early to avoid traffic jams its like everyone is at home knitting and you get there 30 min early!!!

1 comment:

LiNdS said...

I have no response to that...
But if it makes you feel any better the traffic thing happens to me too! LAME!