Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soccer Mom!

Not really sure where that Phrase "Soccer Mom" orginates from... Maybe their are way more Soccer games than any other sports games? But my Zachie has started Soccer, So maybe I will find out!

The countdown was actually more for me than it was for him... He kept asking how many days til I get to play? When is Sat?... He was driving me crazy. So I made the countdown for him so he can figure it out!!! :)

He did a pretty good job. Only cried once at the first of the game! haha. I think he was overwhelmed & nervous...
His uniform/costume/outfit... (im such a girl... haha) was huge on him... He was complaining that it wouldn't stay on. We told him it was his fault, and that he needed to grow faster ;)
His coach is the same guy that coached his Tball last year.... SO thats good, He knows 1 kid on his team... The coaches son!
Anyway, I think he will have a good time playing! He so far has loved ALL and ANYTHING sports!!!

1 comment:

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

I love it, he is so cute. Hopefully he doesnt loose is shorts mid-play...