Friday, May 14, 2010

My top 10

Top 10 reasons I love living alone....
(because lets be honest... It is NICE sometimes)
10. I dont have to cook dinner unless I feel domestic.

9. I can wear mismatch Pj's to bed if I feel like it!

8. I dont have to worry about anyones laundry but my own & Zachs!

7. I sleep in the middle of the bed & all the covers ARE MINE!

6. I can wake up when I need to wake up to MY own alarm clock. & If I want to sleep to 11:30 I can without feeling judged and lazy!

5. I can decorate how I feel like. Without asking anyone what they think...

(point made, Marilyn Monroe in my bathroom behind all my favorite scents..Love this!)

4. When I am up at 4am I can blast Michael Jackson and NOT be quiet.

3. I can rent whatever chick movie I want & not feel bad when nobody watches it with me!

2. Nobody messes with MY stuff! Because lets me real about it...Zach isn't old enough to care what I have. & Nobody that comes over is going to go through anything!

1. Because I CAN! I did it!!! Its not always easy for me to pay my bills on time. Or to BE alone, But it feels so GOOD to have made it this far! Im happy with how things are right now! & excited to see what the future brings me & my #1 man, Zachary! :)

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