Monday, March 29, 2010

Lazy Cook.

Lately I am obsessed with Cooking, And what I want to make. I seriously just read through a whole cookbook earlier... (one of those ward ones, my mom gave it to me, and I should make everything!!!) But I am lazy when it comes to cooking. I hate staying in the kitchen forever & babysitting my dinner. I already have a child! My top one so far:
Meatballs & Rice
30 Frozen meatballs
12 oz Chilli Sauce
12 oz Grape Jelly

Mix chili sauce and jelly. pour over meatballs and stire to coat. Heat in a crock pot for 5 hrs on LOW or on the stove for 20 min.

How easy is this??! I loved it :)

1 comment:

the cole family said...

I'm the same way with dinner. I HATE trying to remember to watch this and stir that. I'm all about casseroles. just mix it all together & toss it in the oven. as long as i remember to set the timer we're golden!

i'll have to try the meatballs. i haven't found any i like!