Friday, February 19, 2010


Ok. This falls under the catagory of things that must go. I do have a love for tattoos. It is true what they say, they ARE Addicting. I think I will get 56, It sounds like a good number (um being sarcastic, if you cannot tell...) I just got my 4th one. I will post pictures as soon as it heals.... But I found this and read about this girl... I love nothing about this. except for that its on her face!!!

HAHA. Apparently she wanted 3 stars and fell asleep (During a face tattoo of 3 mini stars. How long was this process taking??) And woke up with 56 stars. Later she said it was a lie because her dad freaked on her when she got home. LMAO.
Then I saw this....

I love Jimmy Fallon. Im having a love affair with him. I just think he is hilarious! Thanks for the laugh! hahaha.


Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

Oh wow! Thats a good conversation starter for the girl though~! We are coming up to Salt Lake in 2 weeks and are staying for 10 days! We should go out to lunch! HOw is your HCG going?

Kerry Hoaglund said...

Oh my gosh! Hahaha! I can't believe that! And I agree...Jimmy Fallon is the best!