Thursday, February 4, 2010

Army FAIL!

So I have been finding these delightful army guys EVERYWHERE! a few places are:
*In my bed
*In the refrigerator
*Under all the rugs I have in my apartment
*In the lamps
*Washing Machine
*Set up for battle around the bathtub
*Down heater vents... etc
You get the point. Well a few days ago my garbage disposal stopped working. I took all the food out of it and it still wouldn't work. I had to put in a maintenance request for it.
Today they came to fix it... After taking it apart they realized 3 army guys were lodged into the disposal and it just needed to be reset. The guy is handing them to Zach as he pulls them out of the blades and Zach is saying stuff like "What Tha??" "I have green ones too...." "HIS LEG IS GONE!!!" I guess thats the price you pay when you are at war.
Anyway, I am happy my disposal is working & that only 1 leg was lost during battle!


Jenaaaay said...

HA HA HA i laughed out loud at this! did you find the morbid-head-in-the-box somewhere weird yet?

BrooklynBridge said...

Yes!!! Well it was in my shoe once. hahaha.