For the first time while in a relationship I am NOT...
*Texting other boys
*flirting with other boys
*Being embarrased to tell people I am with someone
*looking at everyones cute pics with their "significant other" but refusing to take any pictures of my own with who im with. LOL
*Wishing I was dating other boys
*Wishing other boys wanted to date me
*Keeping my options open
*Talking in the mirror to myself about why I dont like them... YES! I do this...
*Making plans on the weekend that don't involve them...
*Ignoring their phone calls
*pretending Im asleep when they text at night
*Lying about where I am cuz I am pissed they are asking...
*Asking Zach's opinion and going by it..
*Having one foot out the door
*Not caring if they break up with me
*Looking for reasons to break up with them
*critisizing every little thing they do
*hiding my phone so they can't look through it!
*starting fights because I am bored...
Yes I have a Boyfriend, and Im happy that Im not doing any of those things, Its still new so I know I am going to catch hell for this post (from my sister... Sorry Jen!!!)
Anyway he has a daugther Zoey, thats 5, and Zach told us "I didnt think I was going to like Zoey but I really do like her!" when asked why he thought that... he said "Because she has such a cute face!" LOL ZACH!!! I guess he has learned early that cute girls are usually trouble....
She isn't the only one with a Cute face... I think she takes after her Dad!!!
He's cute! I'm happy your happy. :)
FYI...I love your blog. It makes me smile and laugh!
HA HA HA I wasn't gonna give you hell!! I might give HIM hell though if he stops being as awesome as he is right now :)
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