Monday, November 2, 2009

Whats really happening?....

The following is a montag of photos. Above the photo is what I would write normally for a blog. *underneath is the disclaimer of what really was happening in the photo.

My Ninja and I decided to make cupcakes!

*It was a last attempt to keep my sanity for the night. And he refused to take off his costume. After this pic, I picked 5 eggshells out of the batter!
Since he is a big boy he is doing it all himself...

*It is 8pm. I do not have time to let him do this all himself! Mini argument between 4 yr old and I about not making a mess and spilling on his ninja costume. but he of course .."I WONT SPILL. IM A BIG BOY. I AM 4 MOOMMMM"... ughhh...
Big Helper...

*Right before this picture I said "YOU ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!"
Decorating his cupcakes....

*Me wondering why every piece of candy we own is going onto 1 cupcake. Zach singing Free fallin by Tom Petty. (yes, really, Which was cute actually...)
Little cutie making a face, with his cupcake face.

*Honey please just hold it up so I can take a picture of it... ok then.
Zach showing his finished product...

*Please dont drop that. Hold it with 2 hands... 2 HANDS.... mini anxiety attack. Its 930pm. BEDTIME!!!
Halloween was fun, I dressed as a Vampiress and Zach as a Ninja Lord.

*Pretty much all of these photos the same thing was happening. Him freaking out that he didn't want another pic, and me forcing him. Pulling a face helps sometimes. But usually doesn't have the best turnout of pics.
Happy Hauntings!

1 comment:

Jenaaaay said...

ha ha ha! i loved all these disclaimers... so funny