Sunday, November 29, 2009


Due to the fact that I love OUTING people on my blog or anywhere public. I will tell a little story, Due to the fact that it is directly corilating with why I am posting this BLOG. So Once Upon a Time there was a guy. I have known SAID guy for about 2 1/2 years now. Lets call him DB (for D****E BAG) DB hasn't always been like that. But he has his moments like anyone. When I was getting out of my last relationship he was willing to help me move all my stuff (it didn't end up happening bc my BF at the time was throwing a mini tantrum that anyone even knew I was moving out. So he helped me....) anyway, DB would say things like "I would cancel Christmas to help you." "I just want the best for you" "You are crazy Beautiful, Im down for you"... So DB and I have been on 4 dates probably in the whole time we've known each other. The reason for this BLOG is I just got my OWN washer and dryer.

*Aren't they Purdy!!!
I got them for free!! My aunt just remarried and these are her hubby lovies old ones. I am OH so happy to not have to tote all my clothes/towells/blankets/zach's clothes/blankets to the Laundromat this winter.
SO back to DB.... I asked him if he would help me move them into my place (Because he is a body builder, and pulls diesel trucks as a recreational activity) plus he owns a truck. Of course he "Would love to help. Its no problem... we'll get it.." Yadda Yadda. So he says we should get together before I need his help with it, Since my family would be there and we didn't really have a groove together since we hung out like 3 times prior. So the day of so called Hang Out, he is getting out of class at 730. I haven't heard from him all day long. So I text (these are...quote unquote. exactly what was said.... BECAUSE I LOVE TOO!) "Hey ___, Haven't heard from u. Did u still want to get togeth or ur waiting for me to say somethin?" DBs response "If you're going to start that shit with me, Dont. Ive had a really long day and I dont need to hear any drama from you" UHHHMmmmm WTF. "Whateve. You always turn everything on me" "You're right, Lemme turn this on you. Lose my number."
LOL!!! This is the dating pool that I am dealing with here folks! ;) If ya'll know anyone. Please set me up. Because this is ridiculous!!! Anyway so I did lose DB's number and obviously my washer/dryer are into my apartment now. Drama Free!!!

1 comment:

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

LOVE IT! Guys suck, unfortunately I married the only decent one that I know and you cant have him! I also love your washer and dryer! I dont know when I will ever get pictures of our house posted because I havent taken "after" pictures with it all decorated and stuff yet....because that would mean that I would have to have it spotless....not happening this month, oh well! Just come down and you can stay with us!