Sunday, August 16, 2009


So the other day I was in the drive thru picking up my prescription and my name is still my married name GOURLEY. I tend to say its ANDRUS my maiden name, but its really not! Anyway I was telling the pharmacist the name so he could get it for me... "Its under Gourley, G-O-U" because people are idiots and think its GOR and can never find me. But the point of the story is I said "Gourley, G-O-U" and Zach shouted from the backseat "R-L-E-Y" LOL. I didnt even know he knew how to spell his last name.


He also told me... "I don't want to start school, I hate school. I just want to be a baby again..." Um, he is wise beyond his years!! hahaha.

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