Monday, August 4, 2008

Strange Phenomenon.

So... this is kind of weird. But i actually believe this. Recently 2 men that were in my life....well, I will not get into this long story.. but shit turned sour rather quickly. lets just put it that way. When this happened, I thought to myself "Now that I don't have idiots around me, I have room for good people" I heard the quote "Death Brings New Life" and although these dumbasses are not dead.... They are very much dead to me. Here is the weird part....3 days later, I met positive people. I haven't met anyone for a long ass time!! Is it possible that these little boys were taking up my space/time and I didn't have "room" for anyone worth it? I really hate to think about all the time i wasted. Even funnier......Both of these little boys have access to this blog through my myspace. hahahaha!!

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