Friday, May 4, 2012

Have your cake and eat it too........

I have been having a lot of desire to write about a certain saying/quote. "HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO". Ok, so I am one to have thrown this saying around a lot and I happen to like it. The following are examples of having your cake and eating it too that I can think of 1.A man who is married and also has a girlfriend 2.A dude that has 2 girlfriends and picks and chooses when to see which one 3.A dad who is divorced and is “Disneyland” dad. Who gets all the glory of being a “great dad” but doesn’t really parent the damn kids. 4.A girl who has a piece of cake, and eats it. So as we can see here, the saying is for MEN!!!!!!! Recently I have become partially obsessed with the new movie “Think like a Man” I love the movie & it was a great movie to portray what happens in relationships and how “acting like a man” will get you NOWHERE without your WOMAN. AMEN!!!!!!! Now back to the saying who the hell has a piece of cake and doesn’t eat it??!!!!!

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