One of those days.
*Zach was being a brat from the moment I woke him. Wouldn't eat for school. Wouldn't put his shoes on.
*Started crying when I was leaving him at school and chased my car crying... I just rolled my window down, told him to be a big boy and drove off. I am
not enabling him to act like that. (My parental unit said this was wrong, and I should walk him into his school...) Dont even get me started on all of this. But all I will say is she didn't walk me in to my preschool when I was in CHALLENGER school. This was an actual school. Zach attends school at a home.
*In a fight with my mom :(
*Received bill from insurance co. DENYING my claim for my toe. Figures! :(
*Didn't go to my work Christmas Party. Didn't really want to go, wasn't in the mood. But wish I was so I didn't sit at home!
*My sisty's Xmas gift came in the mail finally. Yet was broken into a million pieces
*Christmas shopping is turning into a stress factor. I haven't bought anything for my son besides an outfit. But we all know thats more for me anyway LOL!!
*Crying my eyes out on the way to pick Zach up from school, and a kid in the car in front of me was waving at me over and over. Not a big deal but I felt like the whole world was looking at me anyway since I was waterworking it while driving.
Then a certain someone I am dating or "talking to" whatever. started teasing me about a pic I sent him......

Said it looks like a bad cd cover for an 80s one hit wonder band. I freaking HELLA know my hair is BIG in the pic. That is why I like the pic. :(
*"Im terribly sorry to offend you in anyway. It was suppose to be a harmless joke. Im not use to seeing big hair. Im not from Utah. I moved here and started seeing all sorts of big hair. Mohawks, Fohawks."
*Comparing my hair to a Mohawk! :(
Im having some Peppermint Mocha Coffee, and feel better.
Pathetic bad days. But Owell. It happens. As for Freaker not from Utah. I dont know that he will see me, Or my BIG HAIR again!!!